

by 保守党雅培

露西·斯克里布纳图书馆 invites Skidmore students to imagine that an attempted art robbery has left beloved 图书馆的吉祥物 三流作家松鼠 被困. 极度渴望她哥哥,工作室美术专业的小松鼠尼布勒的释放 calls for help from the first-year class, tasking Scribner Seminar students with a very important mission: solve the puzzle, figure out the code, save Scribbler.

The escape room-themed activity is the latest iteration of the “Save Scribbler” saga, an experience designed to introduce incoming first-year students to the library and 其资源. “拯救涂鸦者”是火博体育帮助学生做好准备的众多方法之一 为大学生活通过其创新 第一年经验(FYE)项目.  

“We created ‘Save Scribbler’ because we used to have faculty come in and ask for tours of the library for their students, but we realized that tours are just not as engaging,” 教学设计图书管理员说 Johanna麦凯. “We wanted to design something that created an impetus to use some of our tools 并主动探索图书馆的楼层.” 

A pumpkin based of Poe's "The Black Cat" sits on a table at 露西·斯克里布纳图书馆一年一度的南瓜大挑战


“Save Scribbler: Art Heist” is just one of many exciting 事件 hosted by Scribner Library with the goal of helping students de-stress, have fun, flex their creative 肌肉. 其他年度 事件 include 南瓜大挑战, its Altered Book Contest, its Stress ReDUCKtion 寻宝游戏. 所有这些都有助于巩固图书馆在校园中心的位置 生活. 

Students can check out a movie, latest mystery novel, or grab a cup of Starbucks 深夜学习时喝咖啡. 旅行箱式唱机可外借, 随着图书馆的广泛 乙烯基收集. 新的家具也支持协作,创造力和舒适. 

Scribner Seminars that opt into “Save Scribbler: Art Heist” are divided into teams and tasked with completing a variety of puzzles located around the library in order 释放涂鸦者. 通过收集线索,全班同学必须聚在一起猜测 破解密码,释放涂鸦松鼠. 对于任何可能挣扎的球队 with their puzzles, librarians provide up to two additional clues; the goal is for students to have fun while exploring the library, not to have them arrive at a frustrating 僵局. 在过去,学生们必须在“保存”中破译火箭发射代码 涂鸦者:太空松鼠!”; in 2022, theme was “Quest for the Holy Grail.”  

乱涂乱画的人和啃食的人 stand in front of the recently acquired squirrel masterpieces.

乱涂乱画的人和啃食的人 stand in front of the recently acquired squirrel masterpieces.

Inspiration for the series' main protagonist, Scribbler, emerged from a display MacKay 是火博体育火博体育校园松鼠的故事. 她与人文图书馆管理员 约翰•考 had been brainstorming creative ways to introduce first-year students to the library. 他们的努力产生了第一个“拯救涂鸦者”活动.

Since then, Scribbler has been joined by his sister, Nibbler, Nutsy Flying Squirrel, 谁在2022年秋天首次亮相. 今年,《火博体育官网》的主角是一名通缉犯 海报上的嫌疑艺术品盗窃犯. 与此同时,Nibbler每年都穿着相应的服装出现 主题,由大学图书馆员创作 玛尔塔布伦纳.  
参加者必须使用 图书馆的网站 and catalog to locate clues scattered throughout the building — in doing so, familiarizing themselves with the library’s physical layout, classification system, resources.  
事件 like “Save Scribbler” are evidence of the ways that the library has continued 以适应数字时代. 现在,当许多问题的答案似乎唾手可得的时候 只要按一下按钮,学生的需求就会发生变化. “Save Scribbler”演示了这一点 图书馆准备随着这些变化而蜕变.  

It also introduces new students to the full breadth of what the library has to offer. 斯克里布纳尔出版社图书馆 is not just the proprietor of books, but home to study spaces, art, 打印机,火博体育历史上的创意展示,火博体育 GIS跨学科研究中心, DOCLab (摩尔纪录片研究合作项目的一部分,或 MDOCS).   

Phoenix Goldenberg ’25 cuddles up to one of Skidmore's emotional support dogs in 露西·斯克里布纳图书馆.

Phoenix Goldenberg ’25 cuddles up to one of Skidmore's emotional support dogs in Lucy 斯克里布纳尔出版社图书馆.

What’s more, library is the location of several forms of in-person assistance 提供给学生,包括 研究帮助台, 媒体服务, IT服务台,和 菲利普·博肖夫写作中心. Through 事件 like “Save Scribbler” and various other initiatives, 斯克里布纳尔出版社图书馆 staff make sure that the library is seen as a space of community-building and support.  
“归根结底,与学生的关系是我们的首要任务. 今天的学生 完全不使用库的选项. They can Google stuff; they can use our 家里的数据库. 所以,我认为这在某种程度上改变了我们图书馆对自己的看法。” 解释麦凯.

“The library is here for students to use however they need it, we do our best 去满足这些需求,不管是什么."

In 2023, Skidmore embarked on the creation of the Creative Corridor, a redesign of 图书馆一楼的中心空间. 翻新工程将提供更多 spaces for students to gather in a social setting that values communication and collaboration.  
“Since the Creative Corridor will be right in front of you as you enter the library, we wanted it to be as welcoming as possible — we want all students at Skidmore to be able to find a place in the library that is comfortable to work and study in,” 科斯格罗夫说,.

These new spaces may be especially useful to first-year students, who seek out the library as an environment to assist in adjusting to the collegiate workload and establishing 他们在火博体育的最初联系.  

一年级体验项目主任兼数学教授 瑞秋Roe-Dale  强调图书馆对校园生活的重要性. 

“I think of the library as a hub for students — a place to find some comfort during 向大学的过渡. 它充满了资源,但不仅仅是研究或书籍资源, 但是打印机、桌子和安静的空间可以和新朋友一起学习。. “这是 你的校园之家.”  


露西·斯克里布纳图书馆, located in the center of campus, is named for the College’s 创始人.

As 露西·斯克里布纳图书馆 gears up for new students, it’s clear that 三流作家松鼠’s antics represent neither the beginning nor the end of its contributions to the student 在火博体育的经历. 即使科技不断进步,图书馆依然存在 at the core of campus 生活, helping students, connecting classmates, saving squirrels.