学生会 Association 学生会 Association

Student 事件 Council

Student 事件 Council on SkidSync

The Student 事件 Council (SEC) serves as the SGA’s event-planning body. 它的目的 is to provide the 火博体育大学 community with events outside of the classroom and to represent the diverse extracurricular interests of the student body. 美国证交会 is constantly envisionioning, planning, and executing a wide array of events. 他们 actively seek to represent and cater to the diverse interests of the 火博体育大学 student body, ensuring that events appeal to a broad range of interests. 证券交易委员会 chaired by the 证券交易委员会主席.


贝利·格森,25岁 证券交易委员会主席
Bennett Metzger, 27岁 证券交易委员会副主席
妮拉·罗斯曼,27岁 SEC财务主管
伊芙·沃尔德伦,25岁 SEC Subcommittee on Major 事件 chair
艾米·霍尔兹伯格,25岁 SEC Subcommittee on Campus 事件 chair
Faith Anderson 25岁 SEC Subcommittee on Campus Traditions chair
Alex Ciardullo, 25岁 SEC Subcommittee on Falstaff's chair



The 证券交易委员会主席 is the highest-ranking member of the Student 事件 Council and is the main spokesperson for the SEC. As the chair of the Student 事件 Council and the vice chair of the SEC Subcommittee on Major 事件, the 证券交易委员会主席 sets the SEC's vision and schedule of events for the academic year in consultation with the SEC. 他们经常 evaluate the performance of the SEC to ensure it is best serving students' needs.


The 证券交易委员会副主席 serves as the vice chair of the SEC and assumes the duties of the SEC chain in their absense or at request. 他们 oversee and evaluate all SEC subcommittees regularly to ensure they are performing properly. 他们 are integral in coordinating events when they occur. 他们 also lead the SEC's marketing and promotion initiatives.


美国证交会财务主管 serves as the senior student financial advisor to the SEC. 他们 create the annual SEC budget proposal in collaboration with the SEC and represents the SEC in all presentations to the SGA Budget and Finance Committee. 他们跟踪所有人 SEC funds and inform the SEC of their balances. 美国证交会财务主管 serves as a liason to the SGA vice president for financial affairs and the SGA accountant.

SEC Subcommittee on Major 事件 chair

As the chair of the SEC Subcommittee on Major 事件, the SEC Subcommittee on Major 事件 chair coordinates music events, including the Big Show concert and any other performance-related events, comedians, and speakers. 他们 create a timeline of logistics and day-of events for Big Show with the 证券交易委员会主席 and the associate director of leadership 活动. 他们 are responsible for recruiting and involving subcommittee members during the decision making process.

SEC Subcommittee on Campus 事件 chair

As the chair of the SEC Subcommittee on Campus 事件, the SEC Subcommittee on Campus 事件 chair is responsible for coordinating and executing miscellaneous on-campus and off-campus events, such as game shows, crafting events, movie nights, mini golf, bowling, and much more. 他们 are responsible for recruiting and involving subcommittee members during the decision making process.

SEC Subcommittee on Campus Traditions chair

As the chair of the SEC Subcommittee on Campus Traditions, the SEC Sucommittee on Campus Traditions chair is tasked with planning and executing Junior Ring, Spling Fling, and Senior Week. 他们 are responsible for recruiting and involving subcommittee members during the decision making process.

SEC Subcommittee on Falstaff's chair

As the chair of the SEC Subcommitte on Falstaff's, the SEC Subcommittee on Falstaff's chair coordinates the long-term strategic planning for Falstaff’s mission and use in collaboration with the constituencies that utilize the space and the SEC Treasurer. 他们 also provide recommendations from the subcommittee on use of the Falstaff’s budget 给证券交易委员会财务主管. 他们 coordinate and oversee technological support for events 在福斯塔夫的. 他们 are responsible for recruiting and involving subcommittee members during the decision making process.